Friday, April 23, 2010

Crows, the new and improved Ape

Pretty amazing - Crows can combine tools to solve problems.

Even cooler? Crows use features of the urban landscape to access food they wouldn't otherwise be able to eat:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

JavaFx 1.3 released!

17 days after giving up on Java 1.3, it's been released. I may try and migrate FxBattle to 1.3 just to see how the performance goes. If it's much better then perhaps I'll put some work in and polish it up. If I do that, I'll be sure to update here on what the results were.

So far, Objective C is going okay. It has some really nice APIs that just work. The learning curve hasn't been too tough, but I'm far from having a sense of what is elegant and what is ugly. Working with G and R will be fun. I'm looking forward to binding together the Persistance, Import, and Presentation layers and seeing what we come up with.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Abandoning Fx 1.3 for Objective C (iPad for the win!)

So after waiting most of a year for JavaFx 1.3, I'm tired of waiting (as mentioned before). FxBattle is officially on the back burner when Fx 1.3 comes out I may give it another chance, but no guarantees-- I'd rather write something fun on a working and used infrastructure. So what will I be doing?

I talked to my partner in side projects and we're writing an iPad app. Yup, I'm on a whole new band wagon. But this one isn't going to stagnate for the next 10 months. This one is going to be a party (and I hear there's going to be a band).

But what will this new genius app do? It's going to be a very simple tool to help run grid based games like D&D. We'll model a map and markers on that map. Markers can represent monsters and heroes. The map will be grid based and support 'depth'. That's going to be roughly the minimal set of features for the first result.

Later we'll want to add lots of things I'm sure. But for now that should be enough features to be useful for our D&D group. So now all I need is the SDK. But guess what? The newest version won't run on Leopard (my current OS) and the old versions appear to have been nuked. All I want to do in brand myself, why won't Apple(tm) help?

UPDATE: Haven't tried this yet, but found a blog post with direct links to old versions of the iPhone SDK (including versions that will run on OSX Leopard and others).