Friday, June 17, 2011

Gradle Sonar source compatibility

I'm slowly migrating a large project to Gradle. One of the major selling points is the Sonar plugin. I switched a module to Gradle and ran the 'gradle sonar' command. I got a screen full of exceptions that looked like this:

Fail to execute PMD. Following file is ignored:
net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.ParseException: Can't use annotations when running in JDK 1.4 mode!
at net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.JavaParser.checkForBadAnnotationUsage(
at net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.JavaParser.MarkerAnnotation(
at net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.JavaParser.Annotation(
at net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.JavaParser.Modifiers(

I was building for Java 7. I did the obvious google searches and didn't find an answer. A bit more work and I found the solution here. Basically, I needed to add the following to my build.gradle file:

sonar {
// Tell sonar where the cobertura codecoverage reports are and what version of java to use.
projectProperties([ '': '1.6', 'sonar.dynamicAnalysis': 'reuseReports', 'sonar.cobertura.reportPath': 'build/reports/cobertura/coverage.xml' ])

The important bit was this: '': '1.6'. Hope this helps someone =).

Monday, May 9, 2011

What can I do?

I want to have a list of the skills that I have. This is to help me track my growth and may help me identify solutions to problems that I face in the future. Hopefully I'll update this occasionally...

1) Java - 3+ years professional experience as of 2011.
2) CVS - Version control.
3) Mercurial - Better Version Control.
4) Groovy - Writing a 'Domain Language' for external users (still not sure how successful I was)
5) Groovy Scripting - Shell scripting using a Java Dialect
6) JavaFx - A rendering language for Java. Needs better tooling.
7) Html - Through Notepad and WYSIWYG editors
8) Ajax - 1 graduate level class where I learned how it works.
9) Eclipse - A good IDE
10) Omnigraffle - A good diagram creation tool
11) Cosi - a listening infrastructure (developed by STScI).
12) Bugzilla - a bug tracking system.
13) Mylyn - a task management tool in Eclipse.
14) ant - build system
15) maven - better build system
16) gradle - even better build system
17) Sonar - build analysis
18) cobertura - code coverage analysis
19) jUnit - unit testing of Java and Groovy code
20) Objective c - initial implementation of an iPad app.
21) SVN - better than CVS