Thursday, November 19, 2009

Everybody loves Pandora

I've been using Pandora for years and have been incredibly satisfied with the user experience that they give. I've been using some recently, but it's hard not to come back to Pandora. The interface is so elegant and simple.

It doesn't support multiple stations very well as they are hard to organize, but otherwise it's fantastic. I've got about 5 stations that always make me happy.

Highly recommended.

in reference to: Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hopkins Intramurals Need better managment

I've enjoyed intramurals in 3 different organizations, Michigan Tech, a Detroit club called Stay and Play, and JHU. The JHU Intramurals aren't planned far enough in advance and aren't managed well. It's significantly impacted my enjoyment of the group.

(This is my first SideWiki Post so it's a bit of an experiment).

in reference to: Intramurals (view on Google Sidewiki)

I love West Wing

I'm currently watching the seventh season of The West Wing. It's my first complete run through of the series. Previously I only caught the occasional episode when it was originally on. I'm worried that I've got a sort of addiction to it. When I'm done watching, I'm always in awe or happy. What will happen when I don't have awe and happiness readily available in digital form?

Will I have to venture out into the uncontrolled world and meet people? How will I do that? Will I succeed? The last few days I've been a bit joyless. I wonder where it is coming from.

A Blog Begins

Like just about everyone in my generation, I've started 4 or 5 blogs. Just like almost every other blog in this world, they've all died in the wasteland of the internet. I'm not sure I've ever had something that can be called a 'readership'. Still, I start up these enterprises and wonder if I'll post to them regularly.

In the past I've tried to have a goal, audience, or genre for my blogs. That's had some success. Perhaps I'll adopt some mission statement for this blog in the future. For now, I'm planning on putting up whatever I feel like. Maybe a theme will emerge.